Tuesday 10 September 2013

Thames Festival: Maracautdo Mafua

London Festival!
The Thames Festival was much anticipated because of recent displays of fireworks and loud samba music accompanied with festival dancers, festive foods, free entertainment and just an overall amazing experience in a thriving talented London.

The Thames Festival was not packed to point of no entering but the turnout was definitely good for a wet rainy Sunday, The crowd was enthusiastic and revved for a day of samba music so the atmosphere was that of a football game with the Brazilian music playing.

The act that I watched was called Maracatudo Mafua, They are a London-based maracatu group which is inspired by traditional Afro-Brazilian rhythm, dance and culture from the northeast of Brazil. They had great poise and great presence on the stage they also had no fear in crowd interaction, getting the crowd to join in on song lyrics although in Brazilian the crowd participated well, The vocals during the songs were sometimes too loud for the speakers to handle and were fuzzy but what can you expect for a free outing?!. The energy on stage was rewarded after every song with a loud round of applause from the audience, Also the dancers provided lots entertainment with fast footwork, twirls, jumping and a high energy performance. A couple of the crowd members were trying to replicate what was seen on stage and here is the result!

The only thing I have to criticize is that the volume of the microphone during songs was low and you couldn't hear the song name being introduced. But overall the atmosphere was not dampened by the British weather, and the aim for the artists was to bring the festival to a small park in London and they definitely achieved that.

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