Tuesday 10 December 2013

Marketing Yourself

Marketing Yourself

The Website i created was created using weebly, i used the free domain for now but in the future i will upgrade it so that is more professional, I would also like to include a professional logo that will be placed in the top left corner of the screen.

Like how this one has 'GDMLDN' in the top left i would like a more professional logo to be placed there

Also as you can see the header contains a stock image. once i purchase the domain i would like that to be a picture of the members of GDMLDN.

I have created a soundcloud as a way of showcasing my music quickly and being able to embed it into websites, This way i can keep people in my website and them being able to see my work rather than having to leave the website and possibly lose interest.

Another good way of displaying music is creating a bandcamp as people can donate if they want to, this is a good way of releasing a mixtape as people can donate whatever they feel like also it doesn't restrict your audience as you are not forcing them to buy it like how you may if it were to be put on iTunes

If i were to go for a completely professional feel with a separate home page that then sends you to proper
website i would do something like this. 

As you can see you can see the logo clearly as the colours contrast and the social icons are clear and its clear to see and is clean.

I made my website the way it is because i feel that the way it is laid out is clean and easy to navigate through, I embedded my soundcloud files into the website because now my target audience will be able to listen to my music and stay on my website and not stray away from it and get distracted.

An amazing example of a professional website
Using a brilliantly designed website as a template to build mine has really helped.
Seeing how it should all be laid out, but as i have not released anything as an artist i cant have a separate page for my two crafts as i have only release stuff as a producer. 

In this picture you can see the website owner has two pages for their work aswell as having videos 

Business Card Ideas
My Business card design
Having a business card is great for face to face situations, as you can just hand someone your card and look professional rather than having to hunt around for a pen and paper to write your contact details down.

On my business card i have included my email address, my YouTube account and the name i am known as whilst producing and rapping.

Handling Social Networking sites
Handling the sites should be easy as there are several sites that allow you to control all sites at on time.
A good example of a site like this is ifttt.com, it allows you to create triggers and actions E.g. if you upload a picture on instagram it will automatically be saved into your dropbox folder 

The Website is easy to navigate through as the tabs and pages are labelled properly and is also accessible through search engines such as Google, Bing & more.
Also the way i have laid out the website it is able to be viewed on mobile phones, tablets etc. with ease as it does not have any flash on it so it will load quick.

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